Cara Delevingne Wants To Win An Oscar

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Cara Delevingne Wants To Win An Oscar
Famous Model Cara Delevingne hopes to get an Oscar for her performance at some point in her career. 
That explains the 22-year-old British model to the New York Times. She sees celebrity Charlize Theron, the actress who began her career as a model, as her role model.
Delevingne, who is starring in a movie which is an adaptation of the book of John Greens ‘Paper Towns’, said in the interview: “People can put you in a box, no matter, But if I just keep going through and I do it well, I hope, more people will ask me for films and then I could win an Oscar.”
“If anyone just thought I was trying to pad my resume, they can s*ck my” paused to check her word choice “bo0bs”, says Cara Delevingne.

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