Tom Cruise Wants Prince Harry in Top Gun Sequel

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Tom Cruise Wants Prince Harry in Top Gun Sequel
As far as Tom Cruise wishes, Prince Harry is working with the sequel of the classic Top Gun. Tom Cruise returns in the film back as a fighter pilot Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell and Prince Harry would play his colleague.
“Tom has a ball thrown in his team to call the palace in London and ask Prince Harry,” said an agent of an American casting agency. “He even suggested that the salary of the prince can be donated to a charity that Harry can choose. Tom hopes that David Beckham could put in a good word for him and can pull the right strings.”
“He knows that it is a complex undertaking. But if anybody can, it’s Tom. He wants Harry not only as a gimmick in the film, but because he has experience as a pilot in the war, he is more than qualified. In addition, it would be a huge PR stunt.”

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